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OSHA Fall Protection Training Online

Construction worker climbing to the top of a steel beam high rise building projectCompleting fall protection training online is ideal for many tradesmen and workers. Whether you work on a construction site, warehouse, or in any other location where falling might occur, you should be trained on the potential hazards. As OSHA reminds us 1, before any employee is exposed to a fall hazard, the employer must provide OSHA fall protection certification training for each employee who uses personal fall protection systems or who is required to be trained as specified.

There are at least four areas where employees must have fall protection training:

  1. The nature of the fall hazards in the work area and how to recognize them
  2. The procedures to be followed to minimize those hazards
  3. The correct procedures for installing, inspecting, operating, maintaining, and disassembling the personal fall protection systems that the employee uses
  4. The correct use of personal fall protection systems and equipment, including, but not limited to, proper hook-up, anchoring, and tie-off techniques, and methods of equipment inspection and storage, as specified by the manufacturer

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Fall Protection Training

Price:  $89.00

Register for Fall Protection Training

Register using the link above or call 817-874-5000

Fall Protection Training and Certification Courses

Fall protection training isn’t limited to just one industry or one segment. It is needed where ever fall protection systems are in place. Construction is a very common industry where fall protection and fall arrest systems are in place. Training must be completed in order for these systems to be used effectively. While construction jobs often require training for fall protection, it isn’t the only industry. Painters, roofers, wind/energy workers, utility workers and more all require fall protection training. OSHA Pros has a variety of fall protection certification courses online as well as certification course to help ensure that you have your team trained correctly. Even better, the courses on OSHA.net can be completed online.

Of the top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards violated in FY 2020, fall protection in construction (29 CFR 1926.501) was listed as number 1. 2

Complete Your Fall Protection Training Online!

OSHA Fall Protection TrainingPerhaps one of the best things about using OSHA Pros for your training is that you can get fall protection training online. This allows anyone on your team to get the important information that they need when it’s most convenient for them. This is perfect for people in occupational health and safety careers, line managers, and workers. These online fall protection training courses are inexpensive, OSHA accepted, and convenient. In most cases, the training is self-paced. And because you can access the OSHA training courses online whenever you want or need, the cost for these courses are less than a traditional instructor-lead class. All in all, OSHA Pros online training is your key in fall protection training.

Got Questions?

Read our frequently asked questions page for FAQ about fall protection and fall arrest systems training.


1 Fall protection is addressed in OSHA’s standards for the construction industry. Frequently Cited Standards: 1926.501(b)(13), 1926.501(b)(1), 1926.501(a)(1), 1926.501(b)(10), 1926.501(b)(11), 1926.501(b)(4)(i).

2 Top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards violated in FY 2020: https://www.osha.gov/top10citedstandards

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary, 2019, about 20% (1,061) of worker fatalities in private industry in the calendar year 2019 were in construction – accounting for one in five worker deaths for the year. Thanks to OSHA regulations, worker deaths in America are down on average, from about 38 worker deaths a day in 1970 to 15 a day in 2019.