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OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 Online? Find out what’s covered with our Infographic

We’ve found that some workers know they need to complete an OSHA safety training course, but aren’t sure how to choose between OSHA 10 and OSHA 30 hour training online. Of course OSHA 30 hour goes more in depth, but did you know it also covers a wider selection of electives, some of which you may need for adequate safety training for your job?

We want to make selecting the right course easier for you, so we’ve broken down the OSHA 10 vs OSHA 30 hour online trainings by topic and time spent, including the selection of electives, in our infographic below.  If you find it helpful, please share it with others.

OSHA 10 v OSHA 30 hour training general industry infographic






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