It is no secret that working in the construction industry can come with many risks. But one serious risk of the construction industry commonly goes unnoticed; fall risks. Fall risks are so prominent in the construction industry that site workers and tradesmen are required to take OSHA fall protection training courses to learn how to mitigate these risks.
Not sure what these risks include? Here are the top fall risks of the construction industry:
- Scaffolding Falls – One of the most hazardous jobs of the construction industry is scaffolding. If you are a construction worker you need OSHA fall protection training to understand how to mitigate fall risks when scaffolding.
- Trips – As silly as it may seem, trips are one of the biggest fall risks of working in construction. With uneven terrain and unused materials laying around, you can become seriously injured when you trip on a construction site.
- Falling Objects – Falling objects such as tools, constitution materials, beams, and more, can cause serious injury or even death. That is why OSHA fall protection training not only provides education on falls risks, but personal protection equipment to keep you safe.
At OSHA Pros, LLC we pride ourselves on providing you with the most comprehensive and inclusive educational experiences, including a wide selection of OSHA training, such as OSHA fall protection training. Designed to keep construction workers, tradesmen, and other general workers safe on the job, our OSHA fall protection training programs provide hands-on education on personal protective equipment, fall protocols, protection systems, and the identification and mitigation of fall risks.
Available in two distinct courses, including basic fall protection training and fall arrest training, we ensure that workers of all trades have the education they require to stay safe on the job.
Our OSHA fall protection training programs are available through 24/7 and can be accessed from the location of your choosing. Contact us today to learn more about OSHA fall protection training programs!