H2S Awareness Training is an industry-standard certification for individuals who might be exposed to hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Common industries with exposure to H2S include:
- Paper industries
- Mining industries
- Petroleum
- Wastewater and sewer treatment
- Agriculture storage
- Textile manufacturing
- Food processing
- Asphalt paving
Hydrogen sulfide is a naturally occurring chemical released from decaying organic matter and the breakdown of natural resources. This is part of why hydrogen sulfide so dangerous – workers in these industries may not be directly working with chemicals and not realize they are in danger of exposure. Therefore, H2S Awareness Training is required for many of the industries listed above. H2S training certification also helps employees comply with OSHA, API Recommended Practice 49, and other international standards that have been put in place for your industry.
Think of the workers not knowing what they don’t know. Hydrogen sulfide is colorless, so by the time workers realize its presence, they can smell it, which means they have already been exposed. At this time, they might already start to notice the symptoms, including respiratory irritation, headaches, nausea, eye irritation, vomiting, and disorientation. But, this is just exposure at low levels. High levels of exposure can be severe, with grave consequences including death.
The good news is that H2S training certification can be convenient and hassle-free for any new employees or those transferred to an exposure area. Through the convenient online training with OSHA Pros, any worker, supervisor, foreman, manager, or other team member can conveniently receive the proper H2S safety training certification. The H2S training certification complies with awareness and training regulations and provides a safer workplace environment.
The H2S training certification course is only 1-2 hours long and is good for one year, at which time a recertification class needs to be taken to update an employee’s H2S training certification.
OSHA Pros, LLC offers both the initial H2S Awareness Training and the H2S Awareness Training Recertification at affordable and competitive pricing in a convenient online format available 24/7. Once started, the course is available for 180 days.
H2S Awareness Training Certification Card
Upon completion of this course, you will receive immediate printable verification of certification. In addition a durable wallet card can be sent to you if requested with successful passing of the course. Finally, note that all course materials will be available to you 24/7 for 180 days before the course expires.
For any questions or to request more information, contact us today.