Industrial Hygiene is Not Just About Avoiding Workplace Accidents
There are specific definitions for Industrial Hygiene, such as the one issued by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), but basically it’s a methodical approach to identifying and recognizing anything in the workplace which is going to hurt people’s health or create serious discomfort. And this applies whether employees or neighbors of the work site are affected.
OSHA fines for hygiene violations are among the most common and the most costly, mainly because they are all preventable in most cases, and they have the biggest potential for endangering life both inside and outside the jobsite. Osha-Pros USA professionals work with professional industrial hygienists to identify and mitigate health risks associated with these situations. Some examples of industrial hygiene targets are the following:
- What people breath (some buildings and work environments, for example, can create more indoor air pollution and hazard that a big industrial city)
- Whether workers or community members are exposed to lead (or other toxic substances)
- How to respond to emergency situations (Is there a plan in place? What is it?)
- The “right to know” of the community that surrounds the location
- Diseases that tend to be caused by or spread in the workplace (this could range from the risk of AIDS in a dental office to the risk of silicosis in a plant that cuts tiles)
- Dangerous or toxic workplace materials like asbestos or radon gas.
- Dangerous products such as pesticides.
- Disorders that are caused by worker activity, especially ones that accumulate trauma over time (a good example would be carpal tunnel syndrome)
- Workplace exposure to radiation, which can be far more diverse than some people imagine (not just things like medical radiation, but electromagnetic fields and microwaves)
- Health risks that might be particular to pregnant women or which might cause reproductive problems in men or women
- How to set reasonable exposure limits for toxins, hazardous substances, radioactive materials, etc.
- Dealing with the kinds of occupational hazards that can threaten hearing or vision
- Managing hazardous waste created by industrial processes
Our professional consultants will work with you to quantitatively and qualitatively record those areas of attention that might be potential violations, then formulate a plan for addressing each of them. This can be a specific engagement, or a part of our mock-OSHA inspection process. Contact Us Today